RILEY, Kit 1987-

Illuminated Emails

Between January and October 2015, I made illuminated versions of my emails, and sent them to people as attachments to the ordinary plain text messages. Here are some examples, with identifying details redacted.

collage featuring a horse and a narwhal surrounded by interwoven diagonal lines, overlaid with redacted strips of text
pencil drawing of a young woman wearing sunglasses made of dirt and spewing a black goop, next to collaged strips of redacted text
poorly-executed embroidery featuring the words 'I'll be there'
collage depicting a woman with 8 legs who is also eating a pair of legs, next to redacted strips of text
pen and ink abstract line drawing featuring the words 'ekstatic creep' and overlaid with collaged strips of redacted text
collage of interwoven diagonal lines overlaid with redacted strips of text
cartoon of speech bubbles all speaking each other, above the title 'TALK FOLX'. the text that was drawn in the speech bubbles has been redacted
collage featuring a cat, bats, wombat, and nonspecific hand-drawn animal, overlaid with strips of redacted text